
How is my privacy protected?

TIGA doesn’t collect any personal information like bank card details, and we don’t use any tracking services such as Google Analytics. We treat your privacy with the utmost respect.

Any messages between users are end-to-end encrypted based on Mixin Messenger, meaning we don’t have the ability to read them. The only case where we can decipher your messages is when you invite a moderator for help in resolving a payment dispute, or when you report another user.

Are all messages on Mixin Messenger encrypted?

Actually, the answer is NO. The private messages and group chat are encrypted. The messages sent by Bots, this kind of messages are not encrypted.

Will Mixin Messenger servers keep all messages?

Mixin Messenger uses Signal protocol, it means that the messages are encrypted and once the messages are delivered, the servers will delete the message records, then the messages saved on the ends. Then what is going on when the receivers are not online?

There're 2 kinds of messages on Mixin Messenger: private messages are encrypted and normal messages sent by bots. The private messages include personal messages and group (256 members) messages. The servers will keep all private messages until the receivers are online to decrypt the messages, then the messages will be deleted from the servers.

The messages sent by bots will be kept 7 days. If you don't open Mixin Messenger for a long time, you will lose messages.

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